Being a mix of 2 cultures, growing up in a 3rd, married to a 4th and living in a 5th (here is the explanation – Dad is Tamil, Mom is Bengali, I was born and raised in Delhi, married to a UP wallah and live in New York) made me realize that the kind of exposure to different cuisines I have had was a good jumping off point to start a blog.

Given that I am an Ovo-Lacto-Vegetarian (eat eggs and dairy), my recipes revolve around vegetarianism and healthy eating. My hubby and I are also fond of visiting restaurants and I believe that one should always share their experience whether good / bad so that others wanting to check out the restaurant make a decision armed with knowledge. Therein comes the restaurant review section of my blog which will feature restaurants around the Globe where one can find vegetarian delights.

My background is that I am a trained chef who decided to work in food & beverage service and then changed paths and moved into customer service & training & non-profit. I might have changed career paths a few times (and may do so a few more times) but the one thing that has remained a constant has been a love for good food and a curiosity and eagerness to learn how to make delicious, flavorful nad healthy food at home for family & friends. This has proved to be a blessing as I love to entertain and host people at our home and being fond of experimenting with new recipes works in my favor and also my guests who get taste my latest creationJ. My family & friends are my food critics and supporters too 🙂

If you want to know about great restaurants, healthy cooking tips, flavorful recipes and of course my take on life as I see it, visit my blog at and follow it for updates and also follow and like my Facebook page ‘ Veggie Love Notes by SRM’ .


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